Some additions to the Grand Royal Army!
I have been neglecting my duties of adding to the blog- mostly due to
the miserable weather. was the perfect day for taking
photos of miniatures. Here are some English Civil War figures I have
painted recently. The blue regiment is a mix of Warlord and Redoubt
figures. The Warlord figures are the command and pike from their 30
Years War box set and the Shotte are all Redoubt. Redoubt make some of
my favourite ECW figures- however- their moulds seem to be getting a bit
tired and they need a fair bit of clean up. Warlord minis always seem
to be crisp.
The figures below are from the Warlord Firelock Storming party box. Many of them are conversions through. Having painted a few boxes of Warlord ECW plastics, I have accumulated quite a few bodies without arms. Interestingly, the Firelock box gives you extra arms! -and voila! some of the easiest conversions ever!
Firelock Storming Party |
The Petard crew is also a Warlord set. These metal figures are bravely storming the fortifications. I wasn't sure how to base these figures and toyed with individual bases and combinations- but finally arrived at the idea of putting them all on one base. They were lovely figures to paint. Full of character and detail.
Petard Crew |