Friday, January 29, 2016

Homecast C18th Wargames army

Here are photos of my homecast 35mm C18th army as it currently stands. All the the figures are 35mm from toe to top of head. I have just finished making masters for artillery gunners, a Grenadier (Austrian style) and begun work on a Cavalry Trooper. I need to make a General or two as well. The figures on the left of the line are the extra stands that resulted from me reducing the numbers of figures in a Regiment from 32 to 24. I will touch up the figures with a dab of paint here and there, add some standards and there will be another three regiments fit for service. I am looking forward to using these with the Honours of War rules.
This is the 'Daniels' Regiment painted to the colors given to me by a wargames buddy whose names just happens to be Daniels. The regiment has its priest with it as they are a sanctimonious lot. The Priest is a Redoubt figure from their Three Musketeer line. It just happened to be the right scale for my minis.

 I made the original masters for these minis back in 1983, it was my first experiment with milliput.
 Same again only a French Regiment.

The 'Williams' Regiment in the colors given to me by another wargaming buddy whose name of course is Williams.

1:1000 scale Spanish American War Fleets

Here are my completed fleets for Santiago July 1898. This project has been most satisfying as these ship models have sat in a box for almost 20 years. They are now painted and ready to set sail.

 The American fleet at Santiago July 1898
 The Spanish Fleet at Santiago July 1898


Finally after something like twenty years having them sit in a box I have painted and finished the two fleets for the naval battle of Santiago in 1898. Here are the last two models - the Spanish cruiser SNS Vizcaya and the American gunboat USS Gloucester.

Friday, January 22, 2016

1:1000 scale 1898 USS IOWA

Here is my latest 1:1000 scale 1898 warship - USS Iowa. This one presented a few challenges. It came with quite a few parts missing including all the secondary gun turrets. I had to scratch build them. While I was at it I decided to make a flying bridge with a shade over it like I have seen in photos of the ship.

Monday, January 18, 2016

1:1000 scale USS Oregon 1898

The latest ship to join the 1898 fleet - USS Oregon

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

USS New York 1898 1:1000 scale

Before and after - the latest toy 'boat' for my collection - the USS New York ca.1898

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Some More Flights of Fantasy

It's been a while between posts.  I've been cleaning out the figures box, trying to get some of the old gems painted up.  Here's a few 28mm fantasy bits and pieces from a variety of sources.  Sorry for the photo quality- they were taken on the mobile phone.

Old Citadel High Elf Conversion
Citadel High Elf made from bits and pieces
Black tree pilgrims and priests
Barbarian from unknown maker
Very old Citadel LOTR figure - Beorn 
Crazy eyed Sorceress- Unknown maker
Old Citadel AD&D 3 stage Illusionist.   Painting the robes was great fun!
Adventurer- Unknown maker
Adventurer- Unknown maker
Magic User- Unknown maker
Female warrior- Unknown maker
Wood Elf - Citadel 
Wood Elf - Citadel 

Two More 1898 1:1000 scale Spanish Warships

 SNS Cristobal Colon
SNS Admilrate Oquendo
Here are the latest two 1:1000 scale Spanish 1898 warships to leave the paint pot.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1898 US and Spanish Warships

I have finished the water effects on the bases of the 1:1000 scale 1898 ships I have put together in the last couple of weeks. I have all the ships for the Battle of Santiago Bay. These are the ones that I have completed at the moment. Now all I have to do is finish the other ten or so ships I have. In the pictures are the battlecruiser USS Brooklyn, the older battleship USS Texas, the battleship USS Indiana, the Spanish cruiser SNS Infanta Maria Teresa and the Spanish torpedo boat destroyers SNS Pluton and SNS Furor.
L-R USS Texas, USS Indiana, USS Brooklyn

USS Brooklyn

 USS Indiana
 USS Texas
 L-R Spanish: SNS Pluton, SNS Furor, SNS Infanta Maria Teresa
 SNS Infanta Maria Teresa
 SNS Infanta Maria Teresa with the SNS Pluton and SNS Furor
 SNS Pluton and SNS Furor