Monday, May 21, 2012


We played a big WW2 game using Rapid Fire rules yesterday. The scenario was set D-Day +3 with a US armored column pushing through to relieve US Paratroopers who were holding out in a town against a German counter attack. The German force consisted of  Kampfgruppe consisting of two infantry battalions (one elite) several tank destroyers, quite a bit of AAA and a few light armored cars and half-tracks. The US had one Para Bn already in the town as well as moving onto the table one armored Bn, one armored infantry Bn, recon, artillery and tactical air. The Germans were also inside the town as well as dug in on the approaches to the town. German forces were mostly hidden. The US players knew what part of the town the Germans were already in and concentrated their artillery on that part of town to begin with. As this was happening the US recon was sent forward to scout and over a few turns they located most of the German hidden positions which were then plastered with artillery. Eventually, as planned and hoped for, German losses from the guns reached critical stage and one of their battalions failed its morale and routed from the table while the other elite battalion just hung on. The US tanks then moved up, halted outside panzerfaust range and added to the artillery fire on the German elite battalion with HE rounds from the Shermans - all of this pretty well wiped out the Germans hiding in buildings and fox holes along the US axis of advance. Each time the Germans attempted to deploy their anti-tank assets these were spotted and eliminated by artillery or mortar fire. It was in this way that a German Pzjager tried to spring an ambush but got itself destroyed by artillery fire. With the Germans removed from the pathway of the US tanks they surged forward and into the town to relieve the Paras. The Germans did manage to drive off most of the US aircraft with concentrated AAA fire but this did not have any real affect on how things developed overall. In the end the US lost -apart from some Paras in the town- only one M8 armored car and one Stuart from the relief column. The Germans were pretty well pulverized mostly by US artillery which was the real battle winner on the day. It was a good game that made us all think and try to do the best we could with what we had within the limits of what we had to achieve. 
 US Tac Air always overhead
 US recon did a great job spotting the hidden Germans
 US armor waiting in the safety of the rear area waiting for the chance top break out
 The game in full swing
 The town half held by US Paras
 Elite German troops - dug in and blocking the way
 Shermans line up to pound the Germans
 The US Paras hand on
 US armor arrives in town to relieve the Paras

 Some of the battle winning US artillery

 German armor rolls onto the table

 German AAA kept the USAAF at bay!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Hail Caesar or else! Here is my just completed 28mm Julius Caesar command base. Mounted Caesar is a 1st Corps figure, the horse is a Mark Fenlon horse, the triumphant Aquilifer is Magister Militum, the Aqilia itself is 1st Corps, the dead and wounded Celts are Black Tree Design and the scattered shields are Warlord Games. This is a nice little vignette and hopefully will please the dice Gods enough for me to roll lots of sixes when they are needed.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Here are a selection of photos of last night's Zulu game. I am trying out rules for use in a participation game I have planned for Wintercon (in June) and Cancon (in January 13). Last time we had a full British Battalion on the table and they blew the Zulus to pieces. This time the numbers were appropriate for Isandlwana for the Brits at 1:20 scale but not for the Zulus who did not have enough on the table! In this game the Brit infantry and artillery were wiped out and the Natal Native horse managed to escape. It was a good game as it pointed out some amendments to the rules that need to occur to make the game playable with a chance that the British at these numbers can have some hope of victory.