Monday, April 30, 2012

WF plastic WSS 28mm Bavarians

Wargames Factory, much much nicer than I ever though possible..flags by Maverick Models

Perry 28mm ACW Confederate Command

Only the second group of 28mm ACW I have ever painted..

Saturday, April 28, 2012


 Here are some new additions to my ever growing collection of shanties and hovels for my 40mm modern infantry to play amongst.

Monday, April 23, 2012


 Morn'n Rev. Peabody
 Sorry Ma'am the hats from Paris didn't turn up 
Which one of you Yankees stole mah Rooster!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Warlord Japanese 28mm

Just done , soon to be  in the collection of my chum Reggie Starkadder,,

Mud men

28mm, for my mate Reg..

ACW by the Perrys..

First 28mm I have ever painted for this period, first I have painted since the very early 90s

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Roman General of the North

I was so impressed by the Cardinal's recent contribution of his painted 1st Corps General of the North (aka Russell Crowe) that I decided to paint one of my own. I have substituted a Mark Fenlon horse for the 1st Corps horse and a much more active BIG dog for the more sedate 1st Corps dog - thanks to the Cardinal with whom I did a dog swap. The end result you can judge for yourself.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Doing Business at the Depot

A nice little scene from anywhere in the US during the mid C19th. The figures are Redoubt the wagon is a pencil sharpener (truly!) that I have converted.


Yesterday the Goulburn Valiant Stormers played 'Bloody April' WW1 dog fighting using rules Matt is putting together for convention participation games. We ended up playing five games during which there was much courageous 'flying', cunning maneuvers and daring deeds displayed as well as several players notching up some glorious victories. My AEF Neiuport ended up shooting down three Huns and living to brag about it! The rules worked well and Matt learned a lot from the games that will help him run the game at conventions when the time comes to do so. All the planes were 1/72 scale models from Matt's collection. Here are some photos from the day.