Sunday, September 25, 2011


Reaper  with a Foundry  freikorps  this is stage..staged shot no frikorp or shape shifter was hurt during  filming.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


not sure of the make..bought it from a bring and buy stand  Tiger Z???

40mm - New Boys on the Block

Here are some of the latest lads to join my growing throng of 40mm. These are all Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company minis.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Begging for the Bone

Here is this week's effort.  Taking a break from painting Normans, I have painted up this Hinhcliffe 54mm landsknecht taking some time out feeding a juicy bone to a local stray whilst checking out his bag of loot.  Hinchcliffe's 54mm range is certainly very different to their 25mm range, with superb attention to detail and finishing.  Also I really enjoy painting these figures at this scale as you get to use many of the colours that normally lie neglected at the bottom of the paint box!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Germans of the Caribbean and rebellious slaves

for my chum Pz Ferdinand..these are all Foundry and are  part of the Pz.'s continuing RPG18th C /Pulp interests.These would be good for Songs of Drums and Sombreros

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This weekend saw the Goulburn Valiant Stormers put on a grand game of the struggle for the Arnhem Bridge as part of Operation market Garden. Playing with 20mm models and figures on a truly glorious table the Stormers put on a magnificent show. The scenery, much of which was scratch built, was excellent. Of particular note was the wonderful model of the Arnhem bridge with its ramp. Here are some photos of what really was a superb game in every way.

Friday, September 16, 2011

William and the Normans

Below is the latest update of my Norman army. I have followed the FOG starter army list in the Wolves from the Sea supplement. I am close to completion and only really have to paint up another two command stands and a camp.  I have another 5-6 bases to add just for good measure too!  The figures are mostly Crusader (who make fantastic figures) Conquest and Black Tree.  It has been a treat painting these guys up, but I am ready for a new challenge and the bucketful of ECW royalist infantry I have sitting around could be beckoning!
Norman Knights- Conquest and Black Tree Figures

Milites- Crusader miniatures

Archers - Crusader and Black Tree Design

Saxons- waiting to be slaughtered!

Rank and file - Black Tree and Crusader

William and Odo- Crusader Miniatures

Casualty Stand- Conquest Miniatures

The Army (I chopped a few off on the side!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

28mm Normans for Impetus

My first , and only unit so far  ..all Conquest plastic  horses, mix of Conquest and Crusader  plastic and metal humans

"if you go down to the woods today.."

While not intentionally for Songs of Drums and Sombreros, but for a more established free formRPG/Skirmish/Pulp adventure they would quite do..the ever  impossible  to contact Redoubt rank and file , Foundry bears and officer..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

54mm French Indian Wars Game

We played a game using my 54mm French Indian Wars collection the other night. There were 12 Indians against 10 Militia. The rules we used were a set of skirmish rules called Song of Drum and Shakos which worked very well indeed. All the figures except for two are William Britains minis. The game was a disaster for the Indians with only one of them surviving the deadly musketry of the Militia who for once must have been sober and shot like demons, while the poor old Indians could not hit the broad side of a barn. The game generated a lot of interest with quite a few other gamers coming over to watch and make comments about how nice the figures looked. Gaming in the scale is really enjoyable and we all had a lot of fun. We will certainly do this again. If you pick the era, the size of the game and use good rules you can have a lot of fun with this scale and it sure does look good! Here are some photos of the event.

Some of the Braves rushing ahead full of courage - before the lead started flying.

Some of the Militia - as I said surprisingly sober and ready to deal with the Indians.

More Militia lads - the cotton puffs denote when a musket has been fired. It takes two actions to reload the musket.
The game in progress - a good time was had by all.